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Article: Automotive Load Dump Introduction

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Published: 2024/08/24

Revised 2024/10/24: corrected ISO standards versions (thanks TomFy).

"Load dump" is a powerful surge, used primarily in the automotive sector, to test electrical and electronic equipment. It is notable among common surge tests, as its combination of low source impedance and long pulse duration, and thus high energy content, makes for a unique design challenge: often, a design needs no special consideration for any other transient tests, or little more than a diode, TVS or MOV; but often requires specialized components or dedicated circuitry to withstand load dump.

In this series, I'll introduce what load dump is, what it's used for, and show some methods of generating it for testing purposes. Next, I'll discuss a simple yet effective switching controller that can be used in the next article. Finally, I'll show the complete design of a powerful, compact and highly flexible generator, including test results with representative loads.


  1. Automotive Load Dump Introduction [here]
  2. Switching Fundamentals: Hysteretic Control
  3. Automotive Load Dump Switching Generator



For internal-combustion engine automotive applications, the typical electrical system is sourced from an alternator attached to the engine, and backed by a lead-acid battery. When the engine is stopped, the battery provides offline and startup power; when running, the alternator supplies the bulk of electrical loads, and what's leftover recharges the battery. Lead acid is an excellent choice, as it has a wide operating temperature range, low cost, high peak current capacity, and is easy to charge (in particular, it can be CV or float charged, no charge monitor or changeover circuitry required; it is of course preferable to have a charging curve, which is also fairly simple to implement).

Automotive customers demand reliability beyond that of ordinary commercial products; product lifetimes over 10 years are typical, and even in single failure events, one hopes the equipment can continue working to some degree—particularly if in traffic where one must maneuver to a safe location, or to limp out of a remote location or into a service station. Among the single-failure events that can befall the electrical system, the battery might come disconnected while absorbing full charge current. This sudden unloading or "dump" of the alternator, generates a "load dump" surge.

An automotive alternator is a control system: a voltage regulator drives the field winding, varying AC output voltage, which is rectified into the DC bus. As such, it is limited in response time. Load dump can develop a peak more than eight times the nominal output voltage, for a substantial fraction of a second, before settling down. Effectively, the device has a large inductive output characteristic; this is not a real, physical inductor, but rather the effect of the field winding's own inductance (and how fast the regulator can control it), multiplied by mechanical advantage of the rotor—the engine is the power source. With battery connected, this inductance is quashed by the vast effective capacitance of the battery, so that transient loads, and load dump, are supplied or sunk through the battery. Without a battery, the apparent output inductance can rear its full might against unsuspecting electronics, causing malfunction and stress.


My motivation in writing this article, comes from several places: 1. it's a topic, common enough that engineers, students, and occasionally even hobbyists, should be aware of it; 2. it's a topic, just complicated enough that methods and solutions might not be obvious at a glance (or the obvious ones turn out to be wrong!), yet not so complicated that a casual reader is turned away by it; 3. generator design nonetheless leads to the exploration of many important topics in power design—energy balance, safe operating area (SOA), switching power design, and switching controls and filters; and 4. on a less academic level, it's simply been the kind of topic that—I look at my capacitor bin sometimes and think, what could I—what will I ever use these for?—and a generator such as this is indeed a possible application; yay!

As such, the scope of this article will be geared a bit towards a scavenger mentality: what can I do with so-and-so parts on hand? Or, what least amount do I need to buy new to complete some kind of project? The statistics of this kind of design/manufacturing process seems like another interesting topic to explore, with applications for example in remote, impoverished or trade-restricted areas. (The value to a minimum-budget yak-shaving project, is of course manifest.)


I'll set several limitations for this article: references will be sourced online only, for easy access and verification; the build must at least offer a standard 12V-class option (2Ω source impedance, 300ms duration, 100V peak), with the maximum 12/24V-class specifications (200V, 400ms, 1Ω; 0.5Ω at 100V) preferred; and a majority of parts shall be on-hand or salvaged, costing a minimum of new parts/materials. Finally, circuit design should be simple, basic, avoiding fancy controllers, in favor of generic parts, or discrete design. (Not that this will be a problem here; transients are pretty simple signals to create.)


The most common reference is ISO 7637-2:2004, test pulse 5a:

ISO 7637-2 test pulse 5a (Fig.11)

Table 9: Parameters
Symbol12 V system24 V systemUnit
Us65 to 87 123 to 174V
Ri0.5 to 4 1 to 8 Ω
td40 to 400100 to 350ms
tr10 +0/-5 10 +0/-5 ms

This standard has been superseded (since 2012 or so), the pulse moved to ISO 16750-2:2023. Other important, historical or related standards include: SAE J1113-11, JASO D 001-94 (appears superseded by the ISO standard(s)), MIL-STD-1275D and so on. MIL-STD-1275 is notable as it makes reference to J1113, and for the different method used to specify operating voltage: as a time-dependent bounded range, for which we can easily imagine any kind of surge occurring within those bounds, including load dump.

I'll be concentrating on the ISO 7637-2:2004 waveform and levels for this article.


Existing Work

There are few examples available online. Perhaps unsurprising, for something so specific—EMC is already a rarefied topic, and the bulk of search hits are test houses, test equipment suppliers and manufacturers, and standards organizations; few if any users need to do in-house testing. The most that's usually done, is some emissions precompliance testing, with simple networks, probes, antennas, etc.; and indeed, hand-made networks are a common project on online forums. That said, I have found a few interesting references:

[1] Analog Devices (née Linear Technology) DC1950A Load Dump Generator (local copy). This impressively illustrates a complete linear-type design. I examine this in more detail below.

[2] Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors? | EE Stack Exchange A question, expressing interest in constructing a load dump generator.

[3] Design example for Alternator "Load Dump" (link broken; local copy)

[4] Alternator charging and power distribution system (link broken; local copy)

These two documents [3] and [4], are interesting. While not directly relevant, the latter shows us a simulation environment including system-level modeling of the electrical system, with the engine as an input. The former specializes this model into a representation of load dump, which conveniently covers simulation for me—and in more detail than I would otherwise be able to explore!

Academic aside: I don't quite know how to cite these papers. I can't seem to find anything related to them: no author, no source, no referrer links. Of course the best I can do is title and URL, so it is. (And, without an owner, there doesn't seem to be any harm in hosting local copies, in case the links break in the future.) (Which, in the course of simply writing and editing this article, has already come to pass...) Where they came from is a mystery. They are clearly of similar design and content; they seem like reports for coursework. No author or organization is given, and PDF properties only give "Hemalatha M" as author for the former. I'm not familiar with, and it's not obvious to me who operates it; it does appear to be (as the name suggests) a content distribution network, of diverse use. How all the content came to be indexed on Google isn't clear, but I see attachments linked from various forums; perhaps that is how. I can't seem to find anything referencing these papers, but this is somewhat by design as Google doesn't reveal links-to results anymore; it may've also been deleted (e.g. past forum posts, now-retired web pages), and the CDN content was never cleaned up. The simulator appears to be Synopsys SaberRD, or related. Possibly these are related to past webinars by PWSIM? Their content appears broken (or requires registration anyway)—another dead end.

In any case, the content of these articles seems reasonable at face value, and doesn't extend anywhere I'll need a paper trail to follow it. That is, it's sufficient to use as background information here; I'm not relying on any claims made within.

Incidentally: the lack of existing content also implies low demand for it. This article is written more to demonstrate the design topics than to fill a need; but perhaps this becomes the de facto online reference.



What does load dump actually look like? How does it behave?

ISO 7637-2 defines the open-circuit voltage waveform with the diagram above. (Interestingly, the standard does not explicitly make clear whether this is the open-circuit value.) It is defined in text as a 2nd-order (RCRC) exponential pulse; we should therefore conclude the diagram is merely representative for purpose of indicating thresholds / key points; it should not actually have an apparent linear rising edge, or the extended turn-around curvature at the peak.

To gain better representation of the waveform, and to work with in the following sections, we would like to model it. With representative values of voltage, current, power and energy as a function of time and load, we can design networks to create it, amplifiers to drive it, and potentially, select components to do thermal simulation with. We shall use SPICE simulation, a convenient and widely-available tool. (I'll be using Altium's built-in simulator, which is derived from XSPICE, with some PSPICE and other extensions; LTSpice and others are equally suitable, maybe with minor syntax differences or differing (close, but not exact) numerical results; I typically write in common-denominator 3f5-SPICE when I can, anyway.)

To help with synthesis, let us also consider how the pulse is measured. ISO 7637-2 Annex D describes calibrating the pulse generator "under no load condition" and "under matched load conditions". They do not specify what to do about other source impedances, but they do indicate "the source impedance shall be selected such that it is equal to the load resistance defined for each test pulse". For test pulse 5, we check no-load and 2Ω conditions. The test is done with UA = 0V. Loaded peak amplitude and pulse width shall both be half the open-circuit value, with a 10% tolerance on amplitude and 20% tolerance on duration. (Only open-circuit rise time is specified, 5-10ms.)

This last requirement gives us some insight into the intended network design. For the duration to halve, we expect an RC circuit has a load impedance of e.g. 4Ω normally, and 2Ω loaded (that is, a 4Ω shunting the internal output node, then a series 2Ω, plus the 2Ω load/termination resistance). Which also tells us, this will not be a resistive source impedance, and indeed half the pulse duration implies we're well below the conjugate matching impedance—peak voltage is half, sure, but total energy is 1/4th!

After testing some variations, and creating a spreadsheet simulation and tuning tool, I have found these values to be correct according to my best interpretation of the standard.

Load dump generator simulation

Here is the schematic. Netlist follows:

C1 VC1 0 40.0mF IC={100*1.222}
C2 VC3 0 2.91mF IC=0V
R1 VC2 0 3.78
R2 VC2 VC3 2.233
R3 VC3 0 2k
R4 VC3 VO 1m
RL VO 0 2k
VSW SW 0 DC 0 PULSE(-1 1 1m 10u 10u 10 20) AC 1 0

*Selected Circuit Analyses:
.TRAN 1E-5 0.5 0 0.0005 UIC

.MODEL MY_SW SW ( RON=1m VH=0 VT=0 )


These values satisfy the calibration test: for a 12V system, set to 100V peak, 50V loaded at RL = 2Ω, 400ms duration. Capacitor C1 is charged to some initial value (the "1.222" is a gain factor, accounting for loss in the output filter), then switched into the RC output network.

Simulation waveforms

And here are the output waveforms, comparing open-circuit and 2Ω terminated conditions. Risetime is 9.99ms, pulse duration (unloaded) 399ms, loaded 199ms. Values can be nudged around to get closer to standard component values, while leaning into tolerances a little bit; for example, C1 = 39mF, R1 = 3.9Ω, R2 = 2.2Ω and C2 = 2.2mF, gives a gain factor of 1.176, 7.88ms risetime, 389ms unloaded duration, and loaded peak 49.93V and duration 194ms. These values are all way more precise than likely components are (electrolytic capacitors in particular!), so you'll probably need to use several parts in parallel anyway.

Given the range of acceptable parameters, adjusting this network for any particular condition seems daunting. It would be nice if we can simplify these adjustments. We find two clues in the text: a relation governing Ri (giving basically the expected 2Ω value for typical alternator ratings: 12V 70A 6000 RPM, and varying proportionally with nominal voltage, actual RPM, and inversely with rated current), and the hint in 5.6.5 paragraph (c),

...small values of Us are correlated with small values of Ri and td, and high values of Us with high values of Ri and td.

Of course, if a client stipulates unusual values at the extremes of the standard, there's no way around having to select new components; but for typical values (say for commuter cars of 12V rating; and 24V if they were ever commercialized), we might get by with merely adding resistance in series or shunt with the output (R3 and R4). This has analogies in other transient testing standards; for example, the IEC 61000-4-5 combined-wave generator is frequently used as a basis for further testing, which might use its output impedance directly, or with a series resistor to model long runs of signal cables, such as for telecom surge. On the downside, while IEC 61000-4-5 is well defined (network and component values as given in the standard!), we don't have quite the same luxury here.

Such practice [aiding or shunting the output impedance] potentially resolves the concern about calibration: perhaps the generators envisioned by the standard are of this type, a given network tested at 2Ω only, and therefore calibration is not required at other impedances, as those impedances are constructed from a well-known generator and few additional components. (They do suggest the use of 1% tolerance, noninductive resistors, of adequate power and energy rating; this would be sufficient calibration for such use.) This also implies the time dependency on load resistance will be relaxed in such case.

We also have a relationship between UA, Us and td: note the above calibration test is at UA = 0. In a live test, with EUT powered, the pulse stops when the generator voltage drops below UA, which happens sooner when Us is small relative to UA. The pulse duration into a short circuit is 150ms, and this slicing effect extends the range a little further, for example a setup with UA = 12V, Us = 65V, Ri = 0.5Ω (0.667Ω shunting the above network) delivers td = 110ms (while requiring a whopping 458V charge on C1!). As can be seen, this effect is fairly modest, and cannot explain the full range of td; it's simply so much wider than the range of Us compared to UA. We conclude that shorter pulses will require smaller R1, R2 and/or C1; and then larger C2 to compensate for risetime, and a larger gain factor to account for filtering losses. I have calculated these values below:

Selected Network Values
td (ms)C1 (mF)R1 (Ω)R2 (Ω)C2 (mF)Gain

This table gives reference values for selected td (open circuit duration). Except for the first, these will not pass the Annex D calibration test, but have been selected to best copy it in spirit (loaded duration reduced by half). Other Ri are reachable by adding/shunting the output, or by rescaling resistors proportionally and capacitors inversely. If one does not mind risetime varying, td and tr can be rescaled trivially by varying capacitance proportionally. The values shown are tuned for tr = 10ms, except for (*) which would require an inductor to meet both timing constraints, and instead has tr = 5.5ms; the high gain ratio on this model (not to mention the large peak current through R1) shows it's very close to this no-inductance limit.

Power and Energy

We can measure the power with a setup such as this:

Power measurement circuit

Not that the current-sense and multiplier elements are required for measuring power into a resistor, but this enables later testing of nonlinear loads with no other changes.

Component values have been parameterized; the values in the netlist below follow a default 12V, 87V, 2Ω, 400ms generator.

Current of the generator is being measured, to ignore energy drawn from the DC supply; this resolves ambiguity of energy vs. pulse duration that would otherwise confuse the measurement. Put another way, we're measuring the additional energy delivered into the supply-load system, not exactly the energy under the raised portion of the waveform.

C1 VC1 0 {C1} IC={(US+1.1+UA)*GAIN}
C2 VC3 0 {C2} IC=0V
VH1 VC4 VC5 0V
H1 IO 0 VH1 1.0
R1 VC2 0 {R1}
R2 VC2 VC3 {R2}
R3 VC3 0 {R3}
R4 VC3 VC4 {R4}
RL VO 0 2.0
V1 VA 0 {UA+1.1}
VSW SW 0 DC 0 PULSE(-1 1 1m 10u 10u 10 20) AC 1 0

.TRAN 1E-5 0.45 0 0.001 UIC

.PARAM C1=40m
.PARAM C2=2.91m
.PARAM R1=3.78
.PARAM R2=2.233
.PARAM R3=2k
.PARAM R4=1m

G1 0 N1 VALUE {V(IN)}
C1 N1 0 {1 / {GAIN} }
R1 N1 0 1G
E1 OUT 0 VALUE {V(N1)}
.IC: V(N1) = {IC}

.MODEL STTH30R06   D(IS=191.50E-6 N=4.5508 RS=19.596E-3 IKF=.38141 CJO=234.39E-12
+ M=.34712 VJ=.3905 ISR=10.010E-21 NR=4.9950 FC=0.5 TT=11.900E-9)

.MODEL MY_S SW ( RON=1m VH=0 VT=0 )


This gives waveforms like so:

Terminated waveform power and energy

(Note power is rescaled to fit on the same plot.) For reference, pulse duration measures 106ms at 2Ω, and 135ms at 3.5Ω (as shown). The energy into 2Ω is 56.8J, and into 3.5Ω, 60.8J. The energy varies fairly gradually with load resistance, but the peak energy point is distinctly above the 2Ω design impedance, as expected. Peak power point occurs near design impedance, with a load of 1.9Ω seeing 1.15kW peak. (A load of 3.5Ω sees 1.05kW peak.)

Rescaling these values proportionally, we expect a worst-case power and energy delivery of 4.6kW and 123.2J for 87V 0.5Ω, and 9.2kW and 486.4J for 174V 1Ω. (We might ignore the 87V 0.5Ω case, as it can be implemented by shunting the 1Ω 174V generator, though td is limited to 200ms due to loading effect.) These are non-trivial amounts for any active circuitry to handle, so we've got our work cut out for us!


Passive Solution

To construct a passive network, there are two methods we could consider: an alternator as such; or an RLC equivalent circuit.


An alternator is, maybe an inconvenient solution: it requires rotating components, gearing or belts, and may not be easily controlled for output voltage and current range, and waveform. It's also a rather bulky solution, probably noisy, inefficient, etc. That said, it is one of the simpler approaches: if one has the parts handy, simply spinning up the alternator and (ab)using the regulator (perhaps hacking into it, perhaps taking it off and driving the field winding directly), or causing the load-dump scenario by applying a load (resistor via relay/contactor) then releasing it, will fully reproduce the transient. Another upside, the alternator can deliver baseline (12/24V DC) power when operating normally (if a nominally-operating regulator is used), no diode-OR connection needed.

(Semantics (because arguing semantics is fun): an alternator may not be a very "passive" solution, depending on how you feel about it. The alternator by itself is more-or-less linear—well, bilinear, in that output voltage is the product of field current and RPM; but as the output power is a combination of multiple inputs, it might therefore be considered active. (It could indeed be used as a fairly slow magnetic amplifier.) Or one might consider the regulator to be a nonlinear or active element, and therefore the whole unit should be considered "active". In any case, these are much less "active" than the other solutions I consider here, which shall be my justification to lump this into the "passive" group.)

Design example for Alternator "Load Dump", indeed demonstrates the response as a full electromechanical system. Likewise, JASO D 001-94 uses an alternator to generate pulse type A-1 (as an option).

I don't have the equipment (mechanics) to create or demonstrate such a generator, nor do I have any particular interest to do so; I shall leave this option as merely one worthy of mention, and which the reader can delve into more deeply at their own behest.

Speaking of JASO D 001-94, they offer an alternative RC network option for pulse type A-1, which leads into the next option:

RLC Network

This has been covered, almost completely, by the simulation section: an RC network was synthesized and characterized; all that's missing is an SCR or relay of sufficient rating to switch it, the wired-OR diodes, and perhaps a charging circuit. (I've given little attention to the charge circuit here, as it can be as simple as a variac into an isolation transformer and rectifier, with series resistance to limit charging rate and pulse "tail"; or as complex as a switching power supply for capacitor charging purposes, with various gating and protective features added in. In any case, all capacitive-discharge solutions require one, so it isn't a topic differentiating them, and so needn't be discussed in detail here.) The remaining engineering matters are: how to best select or vary component values for different test specifications; choose components for ratings; and to mitigate dependency on special values with respect to sourcing methodology (again, focusing on salvaging/scrounging where possible).

I'm also not too interested in this method, but it's worth going into some detail as to why.

If we consider the table of values above, discarding the 50ms case as too extreme, then we can fill out the full spec range mostly with minor adjustments: higher Ri with series resistance, lower Ri with shunting resistance at expense of gain factor. We can also resolve the 24V (350ms) case, by shunting the output a little, or choosing about 7% smaller capacitance to compromise td within the overlapping tolerance range. We see a problem with the smallest Ri: shunting to these values will push the gain factor up quite far, and then we need a reservoir capacitor rated over 300V. It's probably worth avoiding this, so we should duplicate the table for half resistance (doubling capacitance accordingly). Then we need values of 80, 40, 37.5 and 18.75 mF for C1 (of which 40 and 37.5 are close enough we can compromise, merging them together); 3.78, 3.37, 1.89, 1.68, 1.05 and 0.53 Ω for R1 (3.78 and 3.37, and 1.89 and 1.68, could be merged); 4.3, 2.65, 2.23, 2.15, 1.32 and 1.11 Ω for R2 (several merge options, give or take C2 values as well); and 7.98, 6.72, 3.99, 3.36 and 2.91 mF for C2 (which could probably be reduced to 8, 4, 2.5, and making 6.5 by adding 4+2.5 together). That's about 13 total unique values, all of them power components. The capacitors require at least 250V rating, so will be quite large indeed (80mF at 250V is a whopping 2.5kJ energy storage!).

From a salvage standpoint, capacitors of 350 or 400V rating might be most feasible: values in the low mF's are common in light to medium industrial equipment. This makes higher gain factors tolerable, giving us some freedom in brute-force methods (shunting the output to reduce Ri), though probably still not enough to realize td = 100ms at 174V (directly, or by shunting a 200ms case down to half pulse duration; up to 145V or so might still be feasible, though). Dozens in parallel will be required to reach the maximum total, but at least with a granularity of a few mF, we can hit particular values pretty closely.

We can at least see a modest upside to using smaller capacitors in parallel: if we are also limited to small SCRs, perhaps used for switching average-sized (15 to 30 A RMS) loads, the surge rating will be adequate for switching a couple capacitors at a time. An array of SCR-switched-capacitors will then constitute the initial switched power stage. This is a bit tedious to build, but we do gain electronic control by simultaneously switching only those required for the shot (unused capacitors aren't triggered, and preferably should be left un-charged as well). This gives us electronic control of C1 at least, no rewiring, plugging or relays required. Electronically switching R1 and R2 isn't going to be so easy, but we might get away with spanning values made from, say, 10Ω 10W resistors, switched by SCRs driven with a "simmering" current (i.e., forward-bias the gate, so it's turned on as soon as current begins to flow).

Large MOSFETs, or more likely, IGBTs, could also be used. IGBTs carry similar tradeoffs as SCRs: a couple-volts forward drop, but are available in quite high surge current ratings. MOSFETs can perform better, but will have to be quite large devices (or many in parallel) to perform as well: they have to withstand full peak voltage, so would most likely be 600V SuperJunction types, but a total equivalent of low 10s of mΩ is required. (BJTs, incidentally, aren't available in such ratings, long having been displaced by IGBTs.) Resistor current is unidirectional, so we don't have to worry about MOSFET body diodes or IGBT reversal to switch them. The capacitor switches may experience reverse voltage though, depending on whether we leave the un-switched capacitors charged or not; SCRs naturally tolerate reverse voltage so this would be a non-issue in that case, but unused caps would have to be fully charged to avoid reversal into MOSFET/IGBT switches, or a series diode used (introducing additional losses).

It's worth mentioning, exact values will change due to voltage drop and internal resistance of the switching devices. This will be more noticeable at low voltage (12V system, 65V pulse), but given the precision of values I've solved for here, and if one wants to hit the standard right in the middle, some attention will need to be paid to these errors. This should be proven out with further simulation, once power components have been collected.

In any case, this is many more components than I have in my junk box: there's probably something else I can come up with to use so many high-voltage capacitors on, even if I had them, and I would prefer a more efficient solution just in general, needing less reservoir capacitance and fewer resistors. The search goes on.


Linear Amplifier

There are two main types of design we can consider here:

  1. Control just the leading edge, to avoid using an RC filter (and its attendant losses); amplifier saturates thereafter, with descending slope dictated by selected reservoir capacitance and load resistance.
  2. Have excess supply (whether in a capacitor reservoir, mains, or battery) and actively follow the entire profile.

The first option allows us to save some gain factor (how much excess initial voltage/charge is required), especially in the shorter-duration cases, and economizes on power/energy dissipation capacity in the amplifier. The second is more of the enterprise-grade solution, where the output is fully under electronic control, but the power/energy capacity required is considerable; or the solution is complex, for example a class G or H solution could be considered, requiring more supplies and more active devices to switch them around. Note that, if we vary the supply in such a way that it winds up insufficient for the amplifier, the amplifier saturates; thus, (2) is the more general solution, a superset of (1).

Let's take a look at reference [1] as a case study.

DC1950A Condensed Schematic

This is the power output stage, excerpted from the DC1950A document and condensed a bit for space (I'm afraid it's not much more readable; the layout is a bit scattered to begin with). The control circuit consists of a pair of flip-flops, one set as monostable, the other timed by drain voltage. CD4000 family logic is used, with an 18V supply, referenced to the common source node (well, nearly common; there is some assumption that they track together). When triggered, R8 is driven high, gradually charging C4A/B up to some VGS(on) voltage; eventually, saturation occurs, and D2/R6 pulls down a feedback signal, resetting the rise flip-flop. C4 is slowly discharged through Q1 and R21-R23, in proportion to load current and voltage, thus an exponential slope is obtained and load dependency is implemented. This is a type 2 design.

The sources are described as ordinary power supplies. Presumably, the 107V supply could also be a charged reservoir capacitor, larger than required for output into the nominal load (a fairly high load impedance is recommended, but we will test the SOA calculations in a little bit) to allow C4 discharge to still describe the exponential slope, while saving on SOA as well as we can. If instead we choose C4 time constant larger than the reservoir time constant, we can force M1/M2 into saturation and let the natural discharge curve take place, implementing the type 1 design. (We need to modify the output network some, particularly by adding shunt resistance; see R2 and R3 in the simulation below.)

Amplifier Simulation

To model the behavior of these circuits, while keeping things general and not relying on any particular device models, we can craft a virtual source follower like so:

Capacitor Follower Simulation Circuit

First, we construct a virtual transistor with GQ, RDS, DBD1-2, EBD and IBD. CRR is the gate, VC drain and SRC source. GQ provides transconductance (a constant 5S), giving this a constant-current ("MOS saturation", BJT linear mode style) output curve. DBD2 clamps the output when near zero VDS, so that it saturates (emulating MOS triode region with down to RDS resistance). (The diode also acts as a body diode, though with a negative intercept; this model is only valid for forward current flow. This includes with respect to gate voltage: negative VGS will, rather than merely cut off the transistor, generate negative dissipation out of thin air. As the load impedance is resistive and only positive voltages and currents are used, this is acceptable.) An IBD of 50A balances the source for zero drop at the same load current, or a VGS of (50A) / (5S) = 10V (at which point RDS's voltage drop remains), allowing us to also model saturation (i.e. the type 1 solution).

Around the virtual transistor, we measure voltage and current, and power and energy (H1, E1, A1-2), using the same technique as before; we will plot the results against device SOA. The transistor is wired as a source follower, with VC the supply, CRR the input, and SRCI the output. As in the DC1950A, pull-down and output series resistors R2 and R3 (compare R19-20 and R17-18 in the DC1950A) bias the amplifier and set output impedance (plus 1/GQ[G], the output impedance of the follower). Finally, H2 and A3-4 measure output power, and D1-2 and VA combine the output with a steady supply for load resistor RL.

An additional detail, G1 and R33, completes the model. The DC1950A has Q1 and related resistors sinking a load-dependent current from timing capacitor C4; here, G1 sinks a load-dependent current from C2. I have further added R33, as a potential substitute for R3—this will not be used here, but will become relevant when discussing switching solutions below. (G1 mirrors the current through R3, and thus the voltage drops across R3 and R33, allowing us to model output resistance with the amplifier itself. This would mostly be detrimental to a linear implementation: we want more (real, external) resistance, not less, to maximize SOA—resistors are cheaper than transistors! It could be useful in a maximally-flexible/cost-no-object solution, though.)

Finally, VSW, D3, R1, R22 and C2 (and G1, as per above) generate the surge waveform. These could be rescaled values from the above passive solution table, but we can also keep things flexible by using a square-pulse generator and two RC time constants (using the same C2, but different resistors, R1 and R22, for charge and discharge).

C1 represents the supply. It could be a minimal sized capacitor (value similar to the C1 in the passive network table above), excessively large (so that we don't have to worry about it drooping during a pulse), or a fixed supply. Note that, if small, the transistor will tend to saturate during a pulse, and the pulse generator network will no longer describe the waveform but C1 and the output network (resistors and load) will.

C1 VC 0 {C1} IC={(US+UA+1.1)*GAIN}
C2 CR 0 {C2} IC=0.0
E1 VD 0 VC SRC 1.0
H1 ID 0 VH1 1.0
H2 IO 0 VH2 1.0
IBD 0 VBD 50
R1 CRD CR {R1}
R2 SRCI 0 {R2}
R22 CRD 0 {R22-R1}
R33 CR CRR {R33}
RL VO 0 2k
VA VA 0 {UA+1.1}
VSW VSW 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 {US+UA+1.88} 1m 1u 1u 20m 20) AC 1 0

.TRAN 1E-5 0.45 0 0.001 UIC

.PARAM C2=1u
.PARAM R1=4.7k
.PARAM R2=2k
.PARAM R3=1.67
.PARAM R22=210k
.PARAM G33={25u/R3}
.PARAM R33=1

G1 0 N1 VALUE {V(IN)}
C1 N1 0 {1 / {GAIN} }
R1 N1 0 1G
E1 OUT 0 VALUE {V(N1)}
.IC: V(N1) = {IC}

.MODEL STTH30R06 D ( IS=191.50E-6 N=4.5508 RS=19.596E-3 IKF=.38141 CJO=234.39E-12
+ M=.34712 VJ=.3905 ISR=10.010E-21 NR=4.9950 FC=0.5 TT=11.900E-9 )

.MODEL DI_UF1004 D ( IS=38.7u RS=15.4m BV=400 IBV=5.00u CJO=79.6p  M=0.333
+ N=4.17 TT=72.0n )


Here is the netlist, configured for a 12V 2Ω 400ms pulse.

Let's give it a roll. The DC1950A specifies a minimum load resistance of 30Ω. This yields a power curve:

Load dump amplifier power dissipation into 30Ω

Considering the DC1950A uses two IXTX90N25L2, a nearly-1kW transistor, in parallel, it's peculiar why they specified such a modest limit! With a beefy heatsink, they could surely handle even a short circuit. Indeed, even with a load of 0.1Ω, peak power is 1.35kW, or 675W per transistor, and energy, 132J.

Diversion: Thermal Analysis

Since this is a transient application, we should consider how much heat we can sink into bulk materials; that is, relying on heat capacity. The transistors themselves are rated at a fairly massive 3J under avalanche conditions, though this is at a pulse width of 450μs—the energy will have barely left the silicon die in that time.

But wait... How can we determine how far heat flows in a given time, anyway?

Thermal diffusivity (α) is the property of how fast heat diffuses into a material. As a diffusion process, this is measured in somewhat incongruous units: length squared per time. We don't compute a simple and proportional distance per time, it's not a velocity; nor is there a well-defined wavefront, the heat just kinda—it spreads, diffuses. But as physicistsengineers, we can forge on ahead irregardless, and invoke dimensional analysis to conjure a proportion into existence. In particular, down to a dimensionless constant, the distance traveled will be on the order of x ∝ (α t)0.5. (And as it happens, for an impulse test at least, and plate-parallel geometry, the constant is 0.1388, as applied to α.)

For aluminum, α is on the order of 50 mm2 s-1. We have heat pulses on the order of 300 ms duration here, so we expect significant heat (say, half?—but, again, depends) to flow along a distance or through a thickness of about 10mm. The heat capacity of a 40 x 36 x 10mm slab of aluminum is 35 J/K, and 2 × 6g of Cu (assuming most of the package is the backplate), 4.6 J/K. Summing these, and dividing by the 0.3s pulse length, we have ballpark thermal admittance of 124 W/K, or 8.08 mK/W impedance. Put another way, we have a final temperature rise of merely 3.6 K; presumably, we could use a whole lot less bulk metal, or perhaps even just one transistor (28.7 K rise).

This is where things get awkward, though. Relating the heat capacity to the thermal impedance at the junction, RθJC, still needs to add the thermal resistance of the package and heatsink interface, and there is impedance all along the way. The impedance starts very low and rises over time (datasheet, Fig. 12), but knowing that function is difficult; and as we wish to run close to ratings, it isn't enough to use a bounded limit (like to say steady-state dissipation alone will suffice: that will only be the case when the package is immersed in boiling Freon).

I won't go to the trouble, as I'm not particularly interested in proving out this solution for my own purposes; but I will lay out the method I would use to do so:

The transient thermal impedance plot (Fig. 12) can be fitted by an RC network, representing temperature as voltage and heat as current. The total resistance gives the rated RθJC, and the capacitors give the impedance of this curve. The final branch would normally be a short to "GND"—a reservoir at TA; a voltage source.

We can then replace the final branch, with a model of a heatsink. First, one series resistor of RθCS (assumed zero capacitance: the layer of grease is very thin), then an equivalent model of the heatsink. For a simple plate or bar geometry, we can model it as a chain of equal-value RCs: R representing the thermal conductivity from one layer to the next, C the heat capacity of that layer, and then as many layers as sums up to the total length of the bar. We thus approximate a ∼continuous substance as a Riemann sum of fractions, with the fraction size small enough that the overall behavior is diffusive with respect to our time scale—the pulse width and rise time. Finally, we should choose a geometry that is easy to model: a 20mm-square bar of metal, for example, with a transistor glued onto the end, gives a roughly plane-parallel "wavefront" (again, it's not really waves, but more to say, the isothermals will be mostly flat, parallel and axis-aligned), thus we can very simply approximate the system as a one-dimensional diffusion problem, and further as a lumped equivalent with values given by physical properties.

Finally, the output of such a process, is to determine: 1. peak junction temperature rise; 2. safe maximum initial ambient / heatsink temperature; 3. how many transistors really need to be wired in parallel to do the job. We can apply a square pulse equivalent waveform for this testing, or indeed couple it to the power measurement in the pulse generator circuit and evaluate both at the same time. We can also consider other adjustments, such as: varying supply voltage to suit the load; using a charging circuit and capacitor instead of a CV supply; etc. Energy storage has the bonus of reducing peak demand, allowing a smaller power supply to be used. (For the 12V, 2Ω case shown, at least C1 = 25mF is required, which reduces maximum amplifier energy to 45J.)

Also, we will need to pick adequate ratings for all components: R17-18 (simulation R3) will need to be rated adequately, as well as D7, and the 107V supply itself. Probably, 10W+ wirewound type resistors will suffice; thermal impedance curves are rarely if ever given for resistors, so an estimation will need to be done between energy, pulsed power, and overload ratings.

And that's where I will end the linear amplifier analysis; some not-very-expensive transistors (I mean, they are, as transistors go, but it's not like you need many of 'em for a one-off), maybe a giant capacitor, support components, and...some manner of heatsink or block, and you have quite a capable generator, at least for the lower power pulses. Scaling up to the worst-case power level, will be a more difficult task, requiring at least several more transistors, or probably dozens of cheaper but lower-rated transistors; and there's no way to save cost on the reservoir capacitor, or power supply capacity.


1. Automotive Load Dump Introduction

2. Switching Fundamentals: Hysteretic Control [next]

3. Switching Amplifier Generator

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